Bass Hall照片


The 澳门葡京博彩软件 院校检讨委员会 (IRB) upholds the principles of respect, 仁慈和正义, with established guidelines to ensure that human research participants are treated with dignity, respect and with due regard for their welfare. We are committed to safeguarding and upholding the rights and welfare of all people who volunteer to participate in research.

Principles of Ethical 研究 Involving Humans

“Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of 研究,” better known as “The Belmont Report,” was created by the former United States Department of 健康, 教育, and Welfare—now known as 健康 and Human 服务 (HHS)—and is an important historical document in the field of medical ethics. The report was created on April 18, 1979, and gets its name from the Belmont Conference Center, formerly a part of the Smithsonian Institution and located in Elkridge, 马里兰, where the document was drafted.

“The Belmont Report” explains the unifying ethical principles that form the basis for the National Commission’s topic-specific reports and the regulations that incorporate its recommendations. The three fundamental ethical principles for all research involving human subjects are

  1. 尊重他人: protecting the autonomy of all people and treating them with courtesy and respect;
  2. 恩惠: maximizing good outcomes for humanity and research subject, while minimizing or avoiding risks or harm; and
  3. 正义: ensuring reasonable, nonexploitative, and well-considered procedures are administered fairly.

Those principles remain the basis for the HHS human subject protection regulations, and the 院校检讨委员会 is responsible for upholding them by reviewing all research involving human participants before it begins. Read the full Belmont Report.

The IRB is required to review allegations of misconduct and to take action to protect human subjects. Please contact the IRB Chair or file a Participant Complaint Form if you have a concern about a research project. Reviewing complaints and allegations of noncompliance is critical to the IRB's ability to protect human subjects. A climate free of fear of sanction is required to foster appropriate reports and ensure a fair review of allegations. Retaliation against good faith “whistleblowers” is illegal and will not be tolerated at this institution.

了解更多合规知识 & 投诉


Please note that not all proposals need to be reviewed during full board meetings. Please see information on the 申请流程页面 and review procedures for details.

The IRB will meet monthly during the academic year. The IRB office remains open to handle questions and expedited or exempt proposals that do not require full board consideration, 也. If you are planning to submit something for full board review (prior to our meetings), it would be helpful to let us know by 电子邮件

请注意: Our full board meeting agendas sometimes fill up a month in advance, so it is best to submit your proposal well in advance of the deadline and/or be in contact with us prior to the meeting or submission.

IRB Summer 2024 Meeting Schedule

  • 星期三,2024年6月26日
  • 星期三,2024年7月24日

Mentor IRB软件

澳门葡京博彩软件正在使用 Mentor IRB系统 for IRB protocol submission and management. New researchers are encouraged to make an appointment to meet with the IRB协调员, 雪莉温菲尔德 and she will help advise you on the approval process, required documents, best practices, and more. 请参阅 申请流程页面 for more information about preparing and submitting a proposal through the system.


The 澳门葡京博彩软件 IRB will provide educational workshops for groups of faculty, staff or students who want to learn more about the IRB review process and ask questions related to their planned research involving human subjects. If you are interested in this type of workshop, please contact the IRB协调员 or Nnamdi极, IRB的椅子.

Protocol Submission for Full Board Review

 For studies with higher risks and/or which involve vulnerable populations:

It is always good to be in touch by 电子邮件 to let us know to expect research protocols that will likely need full IRB review. 一般, protocols requiring full board review need to be submitted at least a week before the full board meets. 



IRB Chair, Professor of Psychology



  • Nnamdi极, Psychology (Committee Chair)
  • Shannon Audley, 教育 and Child Study
  • Katherine Clemans, Psychology
  • 科林·霍格,人类学 
  • Leslie Jaffe, MD, 社区 member
  • Shveta Kumaria, School for Social Work
  • 贝丝·沃德,社区成员

Contact 院校检讨委员会

北安普顿,MA 01063

电话: 413-585-3562 电子邮件: irb@wolaipei.com

IRB协调员: 雪莉温菲尔德