

加入Loretta Ross和Carrie Baker教授的行列, 以及澳门葡京博彩软件圆桌小组, for "Calling in for Human Rights 和 Democracy: A Consideration of Project 2025."


The Office of the 教务长兼院长 is the chief academic office of 澳门葡京博彩软件, ensuring a broad array of outst和ing teaching, learning 和 research experiences for students 和 faculty. 我们的团队指导和整合学院的各种学术努力,以创建一个繁荣的社区,并通过课程创新支持教师的职业生涯, 补偿, 专业发展和外部资助. 我们致力于将学术资源与学院的课程使命结合起来,使澳门葡京博彩软件成为一个学习和工作的好地方.


Assistant Professor of Sociology Timothy Recuber’s new book, The Digital Departed: How We Face Death, Commemorate Life, Chase Virtual Immortality, discusses what happens to our online identities when we die.

“关于人们如何使用他们已故朋友和亲人的社交网络资料来保持一种单方面的对话,已经进行了大约十年的研究,雷伯伯说. “这本书真正追踪的是人们最近寻求与自己的死亡和在网上死亡的方式, 而不是别人的死亡.”

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作为教务长 & 学院院长, 达芙妮定位 ensures excellence 和 prosperity in teaching, 在澳门葡京博彩软件学习和研究, 现在和将来. Lamothe创建并领导与所有学术负责人的合作过程,以推进共同的学术愿景. 她是一位文学和文化研究澳门葡京博彩软件,对非裔美国人的研究和教学感兴趣, Afro-Caribbean 和 Black migration 和 transnational literatures. Lamothe目前正在研究城市空间中黑人主体的表现,他们的自我体验是由家庭理想的缺失所塑造的, 起源与归属.

Members of the Smith 社区 who would like to request the Provost to speak at an event, 请填一下这张表.


丹尼斯McKahn ensures thriving academic programs at Smith, 以可持续和公平的方式将资源与学院的课程和课外任务相结合. Denise manages the academic budget of the college overseen by the provost. She chairs the Committee on 教师 Compensation 和 开发ment, 课堂委员会, 以及海外留学委员会. She has responsibility for faculty development, 以及在研究和教学方面的支持, in partnership with development 和 finance, 提倡s for grant proposal development that advances faculty research, 指令, 以及程序性兴趣. Among her responsibilities are the 植物园, 克拉克科学中心, 校园学校, non-任期内 track faculty recruitment 和 hiring. Denise was hired as a faculty member in the Department of Engineering in 2008, 他是一位澳门葡京博彩软件, 提倡, 土木与环境工程师.

Associate 学院院长/学术发展主任

海琳关于 coordinates faculty professional development, oversees curricular operations 和 strategic planning, directs Smith’s graduate 和 special programs. 她的目标是培养有效的人才, 与学院的教职员工领导以及校长团队成员建立公平和包容的伙伴关系. A Professor of French studies, Visentin has been teaching at Smith since 1999. Her research specializes in early modern literature 和 culture, with a focus on the history 和 aesthetics of the performing arts. 最近, her research 和 teaching interests have been focused on digital humanities, especially mapping 和 data visualization techniques.

Director of Academic Operations/Special Advisor to the Provost

作为学术运营总监, Kayla promotes 和 strengthens Smith's academic programs by facilitating relationships between the provost 和 internal/external constituencies; coordinating the deans, faculty 和 other college offices in major academic initiatives 和 special projects; 和 leads the development 和 execution of our office's business policies 和 practices. 作为教务长的特别顾问, she provides project management 和 organizational leadership for the Provost’s strategic initiatives. Acting as the Provost’s designee in various settings, Kayla与院长和我们团队的所有成员合作,共同开发和持续改进我们的流程, 支持主要教务长地区委员会, provides immediate 和 long-term administrative 和 organizational support to the Provost & 直接担任学院院长. Contact Kayla with questions about faculty meeting, chairs & directors, 和 other special projects under the Provost & 院长的职权范围.

Associate Director of Curricular 和 Academic Administration

In close partnership with the Associate 学院院长 & 学术发展主任, 凯利·德福里斯特通过在课程发展的各个方面对学术优先委员会的支持,确保学习课程的成功, maintenance 和 review materials 和 workflows. Kelly also works closely with the ADOF/DAD 和 椅子 & 董事 in the professional development of the academic administrative support 工作人员. Contact Kelly for CAP policies 和 procedures; curricular approval guidelines for course proposals (new 和 revisions to existing), 大调或小调的变化, other curricular changes; catalog policies 和 procedures; 和 all other items related to the work of CAP.


作为学院分析副主任, she collaborates with institutional partners in stewarding faculty 和 指令al 工作人员 data in the service of academic business intelligence; designs, 发展, 监督预算, 报告, analytic processes that sustain Smith’s success in hiring, 保留, support of faculty 和 指令al 工作人员 throughout the lifecycle; 和 advises academic leadership on the strategic use of institutional resources in achieving Smith’s academic mission.

Program Coordinator for Graduate 和 Special 项目

露丝摩根通过确保政策的一致性和完成要求来促进澳门葡京博彩软件大学成功的研究生学习经历. Contact Ruth for graduate application questions, 注册帮助, inquiries regarding curriculum requirements 和 requests for extensions.

Josh Parad

高级学术预算经理开发可持续的学术预算模型,推进澳门葡京博彩软件的教育使命, 与副教务长和预算办公室密切合作,监督学术财务资源. Contact the 高级学术预算经理 for departmental 和 program budget queries, inquiries regarding internal grants including CFCD 和 starters, 讲座委员会, 以及为新计划建立财务模型. 

Senior 教师 Recruitment 和 Hiring Specialist

这位教师招聘和任命专家通过与教务长密切合作,在澳门葡京博彩软件促进公平和包容的教师文化 & 学院院长, 副教务长, Associate 学院院长 to ensure consistent application of faculty search, 招聘及聘用政策. Contact Rachel for 任期内-track 和 non-任期内 track searches; faculty hiring appointment letters; research associate appointments; faculty visas; on-boarding of new faculty members 和 instructors; hiring Readers 和 UMass graduate student RAs; 和 information regarding visiting scholars.


海莉Spizz通过确保澳门葡京博彩软件教师政策的一致应用来促进公平和公平, 工作人员, 和管理. In partnership with the associate dean of the faculty/dean for academic development, she advances faculty development initiatives to foster success at every career stage. 联系海莉重新预约, 任期内, promotion procedures 和 questions; sabbaticals 和 leaves; 和 faculty record sheets.


帕蒂Tran通过管理院长的日程安排和日常办公室运作,促进了一个富有成效的工作环境. Patty is the primary scheduling contact for the Provost, 副教务长, Associate 学院院长/学术发展主任, for academic calendar queries 和 events managed by the Office of the 教务长/院长.

Assistant Professor R和i Garcia receiving the Sherrerd Award for Distinguished 教学.


The annual Kathleeen Compton Sherrerd ’54 和 John F. 谢泼德杰出教学奖设立于2002年,旨在表彰长期教职员工持续和杰出的教学, 同时鼓励年轻的教师,他们表现出的热情和卓越影响了学生和同事.

阅读今年的获奖者 更多关于奖项的信息

苏珊娜豪, 2023-24 ELATES奖学金

迈克Kinsinger, Design of a Polymer Injection System, Instrumentation Laboratory Company d.b.a. Werfen

凯特酣睡, Classical Commissioning Grant from Chamber Music America

凯特酣睡, 2023-24罗马奖得主,弗雷德里克A. 朱利亚音乐学院/沃尔特·丹布罗施罗马奖

帕特里夏·卡恩, 坎蒂丝的价格, 朱丽安娜Tymoczko, 2023 Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department, 美国数学学会

Lesley-Ann吉丁斯, 研究方向:n -羟化酶生物催化剂的表征和发展:金属污染的催化和修复解决方案, 国家科学基金会

Christen多, New Directions Fellowship, Mellon Foundation

沙龙Owino, GPR37, an underappreciated regulator of the Wnt pathway: relevance to enhancing regeneration following stroke, 美国心脏协会

约翰·布雷迪莎拉·马扎, 分享工作坊, 探索, 开发, 评估在线岩石学教学资源和策略在不同和不断发展的地球科学教育环境, 国家科学基金会

史蒂夫•威廉姆斯, Nasal-Throat Swab Testing for LF Using a Portable Real-Time PCR System, Bill & 梅琳达·盖茨基金会

史蒂夫Waksman, 最近出版的书, 美国现场音乐, 被美国出版商协会提名为音乐和表演艺术最佳书籍的决赛选手, 作为2023年散文奖的一部分.

在我的第二年, I curated a student exhibition at the Cunningham center, I emailed most of my professors inviting them to come see it. 展览只开了一个下午, 我也没想到他们会过来, 但令我惊讶的是, 我的导师和其他三位当时或以前教过我的教授都来了. 这是一个可爱的惊喜,让我想起了澳门葡京博彩软件的大多数教授实际上是如何关心你的幸福和抱负的.
Mosa N. Molapo ' 22,艺术史和非洲研究


奖助金 & 赞助项目

Learn about funding opportunities for research 和 scholarship as well as teaching, 课程和专业发展.




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