

This community project offers a chance to interact with and reinterpret Emily Post's rules of etiquette. Participants will engage with her iconic work, updating her rules using new media and visual expression to say something entirely new. 每次惊艳之后, 特殊的, 充满活力的, haunting or hilarious page is made, we will gather them into a new collection of poetry and art that could only have been made by our community.

Collectively, our community will reshape Emily Post’s rules of etiquette.


This is a project where we'll be making blackout poems directly on the pages of 礼仪. A blackout poem in its simplest form needs only a page and a marking tool (pencil, 标记, 修正笔, 等.) You hide some words to make a poem out of what is left behind. You can stop there, or you can take it further and add some art!


Take one of the pages from our pile in 布蒂勒-戴诗歌中心 or other locations around campus. We'll have some art supplies in 布蒂勒-戴诗歌中心 (Wright Hall), or visit the Design Thinking Initiative (Capen Annex) and explore their trove of materials!

Everyone is welcome to participate! 无论你是学生, 教师, 工作人员, 一个校友, 或者只是路过, we'd love for you to contribute to this project! By participating in this project, participants agree to allow their work to be posted on BDPC social media, and later assembled into a collection that will be housed in the Mortimer Rare Books collection at the library.

We'll be collecting these all year, through 2024年6月1日!


Emily Post was born Emily Bruce Price on October 27, 1872. The author of five novels as well as newspaper articles and travelogues, she is most well known for 1922’s 礼仪 in Business, in Society, in Politics and at 首页,通常缩写为 礼仪. 礼仪 was once considered the foremost manual on manners and customs, 销售近300台,到1946年为止,每年出版1万册. There’s no exact modern point of comparison to Post— she was an influencer before we used the word that way; a little bit Martha Stewart, 奥普拉式的, and a little bit Gwyneth Paltrow all rolled into one. While some of Post's advice may still be relevant, a lot of it now feels out of step with 21st century values around money, 手续, 性别角色, 比赛, 和类. 礼仪 is still in print, now in its 19th edition (2017). 自1965年以来, the book has been continually edited by Post’s descendants (the current editors are her great-great-grandchildren!) It's always evolving, and today's edition strives to be a more inclusive text.


布蒂勒日诗歌中心 and the Design Thinking Initiative will have stations with pages from 礼仪 and a variety of materials available for creating your own responses. We plan to display them outside of 布蒂勒-戴诗歌中心 in Wright Hall (and occasionally feature them on Instagram), 当一切都完成了, put the pages back together to create a whole new document.

This project is open to the Smith community and visitors to 布蒂勒-戴诗歌中心.


  • Choose one side of the page to hold your primary design.
  • By participating in this project, participants agree to allow their work to be posted on social media, and assembled into an object that will be housed in the Mortimer Rare Books collection at the library.
  • If you wish to be credited, please write your name legibly on the back. (If you want us to tag you on instagram, please include your IG handle!)
  • 什么 you do to alter the text is up to you! Here are some strategies to get you thinking:
    Cover words or blank space with whiteout pen or tape, 标记, 彩色铅笔, 切/撕纸, washi磁带, images from books or magazines, 字符串, 刺绣, 照片或底片, 按钮, 珠子, 干 & 密封植物材料.
  • Please take no more than 2 pages; we want to have enough for everyone!
  • Please put completed pages on the paper tray or windowsill in 布蒂勒-戴诗歌中心 so we can collect them.



The 停电诗歌计划 began in 2022 as the Common Reassemble. Explore the past projects and submissions.


The Smith community spent time peering into the work of the poet Emily Dickinson, then engaged with words in the spirit of play, reworking her canonical language using new media and visual expression to say something entirely new.



去年春天, 布蒂勒-戴诗歌中心, in collaboration with the Design Thinking Initiative, 启动CTRL + WALT + DELETE, our inaugural Common Reassemble project, 邀请学生, 工作人员, 教师, 校友, and members of the wider community to engage with pages from Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass using a variety of artistic and poetic techniques. The thrilling pages you made offered fragments of Whitman surrounded by gorgeous drawings, 色彩漩涡, 杂志剪报, 珠子, 照片, 贴纸, 甚至改造了黄蜂的巢穴. You turned pages of poetry into canvases, and made Whitman’s words and barbaric yawps become something utterly new.



Check out some examples of submissions from the 艾米丽破折号 Common Reassemble in 2023.