
Each year 澳门葡京博彩软件 admits a limited number of visiting women students who wish to spend a semester or year at the college. 虽然以非学位候选人的身份进入, visiting students may use their Smith coursework for credit at their own college or university.

作为访问学生, 你将被澳门葡京博彩软件的课程录取, live in our residence halls 和 become involved in 课外活动. You may apply to transfer to Smith after one semester of a visiting program with approval from your home institution. Financial aid is not available for visiting students.

形式 & 最后期限

的 application deadline for September entrance is 7月1日.

申请人应使用 转学通用申请 并选择访问学生-秋季计划.


转学通用申请 7月1日
大学成绩单(年代) 7月1日
高中成绩单或GED证书 7月1日
转学院报告  7月1日
两项学术建议 7月1日



You can send your documents to us by 电子邮件, through the mail or via fax. 请复印所有提交的文件.

北安普顿,MA 01063



Applications are welcome from well-qualified students with strong academic records. 你可以申请在澳门葡京博彩软件大学待一个学期或一年.

Financial aid is not available for visiting students.


International students must be in their final year of studies leading to university entrance in their own country or 目前就读 in a university program abroad. 如果你被录取了, c和idates will be expected to present examination results—Baccalaureate, 仲裁或GCSE, 例如,在入学之前.

Junior Year Visiting Program for the Study of Mathematics

的 Junior Program is for undergraduate women mathematics majors who want a mathematically intense semester or year among other women. (While the program is intended to take place during the junior year, second-semester sophomores 和 rising seniors will also be considered.)

的re are no formal mathematical prerequisites for the Junior Program. An applicant should be majoring or intending to major in mathematics 和 should include two letters of recommendation from mathematics professors as part of her application.


学生 must be at least a sophomore 和 have a strong academic record that includes two or more women 和 gender studies courses. In this program you may take courses in any department or program at Smith in addition to the many women 和 gender studies offerings.


学生 studying at colleges participating in the 12-College交换 (Amherst, 鲍登, 康涅狄格大学, 康涅狄格学院国家戏剧学院, 达特茅斯, 曼荷莲女子学院为蓝本, 三一, 瓦萨尔, 韦尔斯利, 卫斯理, Wheaton 和 Williams-Mystic Seaport Program) as well as the Pomona-Smith Exchange must apply through the 12-大学交换项目 而不是作为访问学生.


澳门葡京博彩软件 uses the Common Application for prospective visiting students. 没有申请费. 

  • 转学通用申请
  • 大学成绩单: Smith requires official transcripts sent from all post-secondary institutions attended. 来启动这个过程, use the "Download Transcript Request Form" located in the "Colleges Attended" section of the "Academic 历史" quadrant of your Common Application.
  • 高中成绩单或GED证书: Official high school transcript(s) or GED certificate are required. Please contact your secondary school(s) 和 ask for official transcripts to be sent 直接到澳门葡京博彩软件招生办公室 via mail or 电子邮件. 普通教育证书也可以寄到这个地址.
  • 转让中期报告: 的 通用应用中期报告 这些申请人需要什么 目前就读 在大学课程中. Completed forms may be uploaded on the application "Documents" screen or 电子邮件 澳门葡京博彩软件招生办公室.
  • 转学院报告: 普通申请学院报告 是所有访问学生申请人都需要的吗. 这张表格必须由学院官员填写. 填妥的表格应邮寄或寄回 电子邮件 直接到澳门葡京博彩软件招生办公室.
  • 两项学术建议: Please submit two recommendations from college instructors who have taught you.


另外, international applicants are required to demonstrate English proficiency 和 may be required to submit testing. International citizens whose primary language is not English or have not attended a school at which English is the primary language of instruction will be required to submit TOEFL, 雅思考试, PTE或多邻国英语测试/DET. Applicants may be exempt from this requirement if they:

  • 确定英语为第一语言;
  • Have attended a school in which the primary language of instruction is English for the duration of their secondary school career;
  • Have attended a school in the United States 和 been instructed in English for at least two years;
  • Are enrolled in or have completed the IB Diploma Program or A level curriculum taught in English.

Please note that the test requirement is based on citizenship, not on where a student attends school.


澳门葡京博彩软件有一个 test-optional 标准化考试政策.

澳门葡京博彩软件 has been test-optional since 2009 和 remains test-optional today.


At Smith we look at the whole applicant 和 do not rely on a test score to define your potential for academic success. 你的学习成绩, 课外活动, 文章, 推荐信, 个人成就及特点, 和 engagement in your community are all carefully considered during our review 和 selection process.


If you are unsure of whether you should submit your test scores, we advise you to base your decision on whether you feel that your st和ardized test scores accurately reflect your academic ability 和 potential, 或者突出自己的学术优势. 如果你选择不提交考试成绩, you will in no way be disadvantaged in the admission process.

Does the test optional policy apply to both US Citizens 和 International citizens?

的 submission of SAT or ACT scores is optional for all applicants.

International applicants are required to demonstrate English proficiency 和 may be required to submit testing. International citizens whose primary language is not English or have not attended a school at which English is the primary language of instruction will be required to submit TOEFL, 雅思考试, PTE或多邻国英语测试/DET. Applicants may be exempt from this requirement if they:

  • 确定英语为第一语言;
  • Have attended a school in which the primary language of instruction is English for the duration of their secondary school career;
  • Have attended a school in the United States 和 been instructed in English for at least two years;
  • Are enrolled in or have completed the IB Diploma Program or A level curriculum taught in English.

Please note that the test requirement is based on citizenship, not on where a student attends school.

无证和DACA学生: Undocumented 和 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) students follow the procedures 和 requirements for first-year or transfer admission. 它们的计算方法与U.S. 公民和美国.S. permanent residents; SAT or ACT scores are optional.

变性的申请人     People who identify as women—cis, trans 和 nonbinary women—are eligible to apply to Smith. 有关更多信息,请参见 性别认同与表达.


北安普顿,MA 01063

电话: 413-585-2500 电子邮件: admission@wolaipei.com


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