
原型工作室是你的想法变成现实的地方! 我们的工作室向校园里的所有人开放——学生、教师和工作人员. 我们邀请您探索制作和制作任何类型的项目. 如果你有主意, come on in and we can help you get started by teaching you a machine or assisting with problem solving. In the studio, we have laser cutters, a vinyl cutter, sewing machines, and 3d printers. 我们还收集各种各样的废泡沫, 塑料, 纸板, and many more random knick knacks that encourage sustainable and reuse friendly making.


我们的开放时间显示在下面的实时日历, 工作室设计合作伙伴(SDP), 我们的学生工作人员, are here to help you with your project – whether it is learning a tool, 参观一下我们的空间, 或者帮助你做出设计决策. 在开放时间,原型工作室对所有人开放, 不管你是否完成了安全培训. Outside of 开放时间, you will not have guaranteed 工作人员 support to answer questions.

The prototyping studio is open during our posted 开放时间 and during 9 a.m. 到5点.m. 在工作日. 在这些时间之外,您将需要获得钥匙卡访问, 完成安全培训后可以获得哪些. 前往我们的 安全培训页面 了解更多!


我们的原型工作室由 工作室设计合作伙伴 (sdp),他们是代表所有事物的澳门葡京博彩软件! 他们领导设计项目, 为校园策划创意工作坊, help to maintain a safe and creative making environment and enable student access to the Prototyping 工作室 through their 开放时间. 进来和sdp打个招呼吧!


“设计思维伙伴”的合影. 从左到右: 后排:艾米丽、纳敏、艾米丽、安妮、米莉、凯西. 中排:贝利,爱丽儿,朱莉,埃里卡. 前排:玛格丽特、艾玛、昱涵. 图中没有:悉尼,凯蒂


“设计思维倡议”举办各种各样的研讨会, 包括由学生领导的工作坊, 客座设计师工作坊, 俱乐部工作坊或联系活动, 和茶会活动.


请填写这种形式预订使用DTI用品或由DTI主办的研讨会. 如果你对研讨会的细节还不清楚, we suggest you come to 设计思考 during the hours and day of week that you are planning to host the workshop so that you can greet the 工作室设计合作伙伴 that are working at that time. 如果你还有问题,请安排一个 与我们的约会. We will reply to your response with either a confirmation or suggestions if we cannot accommodate your idea.


  • 首饰制作
  • 笔记本电脑制造
  • 绘画
  • 拼贴画
  • 手缝


请填写这个工作坊后的调查 so we can continue to best support student-led workshops in the future.



To gain OneCard access to our downstairs prototyping space, you must complete our safety training.


Sign up for a time to meet with our 工作人员 for project consultation, technical help, or anything else! We can talk about how to advance your making project with materials you might find around the house, 或者关于工作室如何帮助你制作你的项目. 您还可以注册软件支持和远程制作访问.



Check out books and specific tools for a project, or curricular activity.

信息 & 常见问题解答

  • 当有工作人员在场时,Capen Annex是解锁的. 工作日早上9点有专业工作人员.m. 到5点.和学生工作人员一起工作到晚上九点半.m.  
  • 学生人员配置时间表可能会有变化. 请查看 生活安排 目前的工作时数. 

  • 开放时间 are when our dedicated SDPs are available to assist you with your projects.
  • SDPs provide guidance on 设备 use, studio safety, and conduct workshops to enhance your skills. 
  • 在扎染围裙上寻找他们!

  • 楼上的原型工作室, 配备激光切割机和手动工具, 只有员工在场时才可以使用.
  • 请查看 开放时间 schedule to ensure 工作人员 availability before using this studio.

  • 请注意,我们在节假日和休息时间不营业. 在此期间,将无法使用该设施.

  • To gain additional access privileges, watch our safety training video or attend a safety tour.
  • After completing the training, take the safety training quiz on our website.
  • Passing the quiz will grant you key card access to the downstairs maker studio from 6 a.m. 到1 a.m.,即使员工不在场.

  • 教室空间可能被班级占用, 会议, 或车间, 在这些时间限制访问.

我们不再给楼上房间的一卡通权限了. Our upstairs prototyping studio is locked outside of open hours because of potentially dangerous power tools and laser cutters live there. 您只能在开放时间内访问.


We encourage you to scroll through our website to see if you can find your answer there! 如果没有,来我们的 开放时间 and a 工作室 Design Partner may be able to assist you on your question or learn how to use something in our studio.

If you have a longer question or want specific advice on a project build, 安排约会 与我们进一步交谈. 

学习设备, we recommend that you keep coming during open hours to use the machine until you are comfortable with operating it on your own. 

你可以给我们发电子邮件 capenannex@wolaipei.com

我可以使用什么材料,我必须自己带吗? 我可以用多少材料?

展出的大部分材料都是免费使用的. Our materials are shared by everyone so please use materials responsibly and do not use more than you need. 请 do not use our designated library books as collaging material.

我们无法支持大量生产已售出的产品. 如果您计划制作定制的一次性产品, please purchase your own materials and give priority to other uses of 设备.

If you are using a large quanity of our studio materials for your project, 请先提交项目奖. 



  • 丙烯酸或其他可激光切割的材料
  • 缝纫用品(线、针、不用的布料、剪刀等)
  • 工艺用品(油漆、胶水、胶带、电线等)
  • 工具



是的,在。 学生网页 of our website, under Project Awards, you can learn more about this. We are happy to help you order your own materials if you need to use a large amount of a material for a project, or if you are producing work on a large scale using studio 设备.

什么工具和设备是可用的? 我可以借一些吗? 我可以借书吗??

Our main tools are 3D printers, laser cutters, a vinyl cutter, a drill press, and sewing machines. 您可以在教程中查看细节 & 我们网站上的设备页面. 我们还有 Adobe Creative Cloud, Rhino和Corel Draw安装在我们的电脑上.

对于您想要签出的工具,请转到 设计思维主动性工具库 看一看. 是的,您可以借阅缝纫机和我们的书籍! 您需要创建一个帐户和您选择的图书, 设备, or supply will be processed by our 工作人员 and be ready for you to collect in our pick up bin by the main door when you receive an email notification.


We have a standard copy printer stocked with colored paper, card stock (limited supply). 我们还有3D打印机、激光切割机和乙烯基切割机. Anything that is bigger or different than that can be printed with our partners at 天堂副本.



是的,我们的教室里(楼下101教室)有一台投影仪。. The screen descends from the far window wall of the classroom and the projector remote control is generally kept 在 small square rolling table next to the white door.


We are very limited in space at the DTI, so please do not store your projects 在 work tables. There is a project storage shelf in the classroom and right when you walk up the stairs.

请给每个项目标上你的名字 姓名、电子邮件、日期、接机日期

学期结束时,我们将扔掉无人认领的物品. 所以请过来接他们!


DTI全年举办许多研讨会. 研讨会 depend 在 time of year and what our 工作室设计合作伙伴 are planning. Some examples include pumpkin carving, holiday gift making, repairs fair, and printmaking.

通过订阅我们的 邮件列表 或者浏览 澳门葡京博彩软件社交网络.


可能! 如果你想了解细节, 安排约会 与我们进一步交谈. 如果它符合我们目前的人员配置和调度能力,  我们也许能帮忙协调一下. 我们也允许学生, 工作人员, and faculty to use our space and materials to host their own workshops. 请 填写车间表格工作室和营业时间页面 提交您的要求. 


查看我们的课程部分 学生网页 我们的网站列出了设计思维课程. 


这么多方法! We encourage you to come in during open hours to work on a creative project, 成为我们设备的专家, 来我们的工作坊, 或者在这里上课! 订阅我们的时事通讯 与我们保持更新. 你也可以加入我们的 松弛的通道 为我们的社区发声.


很好的问题! 我们建议,这取决于你在寻找什么 安排时间和我们的主管艾米丽·诺顿见面 讨论你在设计和制造方面的兴趣. We also offer an incredible summer internship program in collaboration with the Wurtele领导力中心 被称为 协同领导和设计沉浸 and encourage you to check out the Overview on The Wurtele领导力中心’s 课程 & 队列项目页面.


The studio is prioritized for Smith and not open for general community use, but 设备 may be available for specific projects or collaborations.

设计思维- Capen附件
